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By Abhishek Sachdeva

Hosting a teddy bear picnic with friends is a must in childhood. Here’s how to make a teddy bear picnic dessert using rice cereal and marshmallows and the help of your child. 

Create an adorable teddy bear themed snack inspired by the Corduroy book that your child and friends will have so much fun making together.

The Virtual Book Club for Kids is featuring the book Corduroy


To host a Teddy Bear Picnic is super easy.  Grab a comfy blanket or sheet and your favorite Teddy Bear and a few favorite books and head outside to the yard or even a park.  

One thing to be sure to include in your fun is a few special snacks for your teddy bear picnic.  For our teddy bear picnic we wanted a teddy bear picnic dessert and decided to create teddy bear-shaped Rice Krispie treats. They are such an easy snack for kids.

Before we started we read the story Corduroy.  The Corduroy Book by author Don Freeman is one of my childhood favorites.  Do you remember the adorable bear on the department store shelf who’s waiting for someone to buy him and bring him home? 

Creating a special friendship with a stuffed animal can be so much fun for our little ones.

Corduroy  by Author Don Freeman 



  • 5 Cups Rice Cereal
  • 10 oz Package of Marshmallows
  • 4 Tablespoons Butter
  • Package of Chocolate covered blueberries, raisins or even chocolate chips

 This will make approximately 7 Teddy Bear Rice Krispie Treats

For this recipe it’s a lot of fun to give your child the responsibility to make it, it’s pretty easy to make and helps to build their confidence in the kitchen.

 Just be there as their helper, trust me they will love this role. A bear can be made with just a few different sized circles, so easy.  You could also create a special missing button too with the same circle concepts.


  1. Combine the marshmallow and butter and melt in the microwave.  Be sure to mix the marshmallow each minute or less for the best results.  Plus allow for expansion in the container that you choose (trust me on this one, wink)
  2. Encourage your child to measure out 5 cups of the rice cereal and then pour it into the baking dish or bowl.
  3. One of the marshmallow and butter combinations has melted mix with the measured out cereal to coat all of the cereal.  This gets a little sticky but is super fun to do with the kids.
  4. Then press out the combined mixture into a large baking dish.
  5. Place in a cool place to quickly set the rice cereal and marshmallow mixture.  It’s a lot easier to do the final steps in this recipe when working with cold ingredients.
  6. Use 3 different sized circles to create the head, ears, and mouth of the bear-themed dessert.  We used recycled and washed lids to make our ears and nose.  The bigger circle we just grabbed a small cup.
  7. Combine the large circle with 2 small sized circles for the ears.  Then add the medium-sized circle for the mouth region.
  8. Add two eyes, we used chocolate-covered blueberries since bears love berries!  Place them above the circle for the mouth.
  1. Then add one chocolate piece for the nose on top of the medium-sized circle to be a bear.
  2. Enjoy with your friends.  It’s a one of a kind Teddy Bear Picnic dessert that’s sure to be a big hit!

We took our treats outside for a teddy bear picnic.  We set up a special tea set for a little tea party too with our bear friends.  We even sang a few Teddy Bear Songs.

Take time this month to host a teddy bear picnic with your child and perhaps even their friends with the ideas we’re sharing below.

Enjoy the storybook Corduroy, a classic childhood favorite.